On Wednesday February 5, 2025, we want to welcome you to a whole day of knowledge sharing at the Van der Valk Hotel in Gorinchem, the Netherlands. This event is co-organized in cooperation with the Microsoft Cloud and Client Management (MC2MC) user group in Belgium which will organize their MC2MC Connect event on Thursday February 6th, at Bluepoint in Antwerpen.

For this day we have a full agenda, we will offer a keynote and after that 18 sessions divided over 3 tracks. 


Due to the high costs involved, we are unable to offer this event for free. We kindly request a small fee to help cover a portion of the food and drinks provided throughout the day.

Get your ticket here as soon as possible: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/wp-ninjas-nl-connect-tickets-1074395117719  


Nicklas Ahlberg

Jan Bakker

Esther Barthel

Sander Berkhouwer

Patrick van den Born

Raymond Comvalius

John Craddock

Robbe Van den Daele

Tim de Keukelaere

Stefan Dingemanse

Joost Gelijsteen

Ken Goossens

Myron Helgering

Peter Klapwijk

Per Larsen

Wim Matthyssen

Mattias Melkersen

Michael Niehaus

Rudy Ooms

Micha Wets



If you would like to sponsor our User Group, please send an email to info@wpninjas.nl